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Ek Parivar Ek Naukri Yojana 2021 Full Information - एक परिवार एक नौकरी योजना 2021 की पूरी जानकारी

क्या है एक परिवार एक नौकरी योजना 2021? 

एक परिवार एक नौकरी योजना को 2021 में भारत सरकार के द्वारा शुरू किया गया है जो फिलहाल सिक्किम राज्य में ही शुरू हुई है. इस योजना के तहत अब तक 5000 लोगों का रजिस्ट्रेशन हो चुका है, और अगले 5 वर्षो के अंदर उनकी नौकरी नियमित कर दी जाएगी. इस योजना के तहत जिस परिवार के किसी भी सदस्य के पास सरकारी नौकरी नहीं है. उनमें से किसी एक सदस्य को सरकारी नौकरी दी जाएगी. यह हर घर मैं एक सरकारी नौकरी योजना के तहत शुरू किया गया है. जिसमें की भारत के प्रत्येक परिवार के एक सदस्य के पास सरकारी नौकरी होगी.

किसको मिलेगा एक परिवार एक नौकरी योजना 2021 का लाभ?

चुकी है सुविधा भारत के सिक्किम राज्य में शुरू की गई है तो बाकी राज्य में शुरू होना भी लाजमी है, और जल्द ही यह शुरू भी हो जाएगी. तो इस योजना का लाभ भारत के निवासियों को ही मिलेगा.

जैसा कि आप जानते हैं कि भारत में सरकारी नौकरियों की काफी कमी है और हर कोई सरकारी नौकरी चाहता है. क्योंकि वह ज्यादा सुविधा और सिक्योरिटी देती है. तो इस योजना के तहत एक परिवार से अगर कोई भी एक सरकारी नौकरी पा लेता है तो परिवार की तंगी दूर हो सकती है. और देश की बेरोजगारी भी काफी हद तक दूर हो जाएगी. जीवन स्तर भी सुधरने लग जाएगा. इससे देश का आर्थिक और सामाजिक विकास होगा.

उम्मीदवार का चयन होने के बाद उसे हर महीने सरकारी भुगतान माप के अनुसार  तनख्वाह दी जायेगी।

एक परिवार एक नौकरी योजना में सभी उम्मीदवारो को 2 साल के परिवीक्षा काल में रखा जाएगा, उसके पूर्ण होने के बाद योग्यता अनुसार उसे स्थायी किया जाएगा।

तो एक परिवार एक नौकरी योजना 2021 का लाभ लेने के लिए निम्नलिखित शर्ते हैं:-

आवेदक के पास भारत की नागरिकता होनी अनिवार्य है. 

एक परिवार एक नौकरी योजना के तहत केवल उस परिवार के व्यक्ति ही आवेदन कर सकते है जहाँ उस परिवार का कोई अन्य सदस्य सरकारी पद या नौकरी पर न हो.

आवेदनकर्ता की उम्र 18 से 55 साल के अंदर होनी अनिवार्य है.

आवेदनकर्ता के पास आय प्रमाण पत्र होना चाहिए और उसके परिवार का आय भी कम होना आवश्यक है.

आवेदनकर्ता के पास जाति प्रमाण पत्र होना आवश्यक है.

आवेदक के पास निवास प्रमाण पत्र या फिर राशन कार्ड होना आवश्यक है.

एक परिवार से केवल एक ही सदस्य सरकारी नौकरी के लिए आवेदन कर सकता है.

आवेदनकर्ता का शिक्षित होना अनिवार्य है.

एक परिवार एक नौकरी योजना 2021 की पात्रता के लिए आपके पास कोविड-19 का लैब टेस्ट सर्टिफिकेट होना अनिवार्य है.

एक परिवार एक नौकरी योजना 2021 में आवेदन के लिए आवश्यक दस्तावेजों के रूप में निम्नलिखित दस्तावेज होने अनिवार्य हैं:-

आईडी कार्ड के रूप में आधार कार्ड, वोटर आईडी कार्ड इत्यादि पहचान पत्र.

पासपोर्ट साइज फोटो.

वास्तविक प्रमाण पत्र (Bonafide Certificate)

राशन कार्ड.

आय प्रमाण पत्र. (Income Proof)

निवास प्रमाण पत्र. (Address Proof)

जाति प्रमाण पत्र. (Caste Certificate)


शैक्षिक योग्यता के दस्तावेज (Mark Sheet, Degree, Certificate etc.).

इसके अतिरिक्त Mobile Number भी देना आवश्यक है.

भारत सरकार की एक परिवार एक नौकरी योजना 2021 के लिए अप्लाई करने की प्रक्रिया:- 

भारत सरकार की एक परिवार एक नौकरी 2021 योजना का लाभ लेने के लिए सबसे पहले सिक्किम सरकार की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाना होगा। क्योंकि अभी तक इस योजना को केवल सिक्किम राज्य में ही शुरू किया गया है. Click Here to go to Sikkim Government's Official Website

वेबसाइट पर जाकर आपको कुछ विकल्प दिखाई देंगे। सही विकल्प पर क्लिक करके आपको एक फॉर्म मिल जायेगा, उसको आपको सही ढंग से पूर्णरूपेण भरना है.

फार्म को भरने के बाद आपको अपने दस्तावेजो को अपलोड करना होगा।

दस्तावेज अपलोड करने के बाद आपको आपको Submit बटन पर क्लिक करना होगा।

Latest Jobs in Jamaica

If you're looking for Fresh/Latest/New/Current/Urgent Government or Private Sector Jobs/Vacancies in Jamaica, then you can find this article helpful. 

Below, the link for Thousands of Latest/Current/Urgent/Fresh/New Full-Time and Part-Time Jobs and Vacancies in the Government and Private Sectors in All 107 Cities/Towns, 50 Villages, and 73 Neighbourhoods of Jamaica in almost all Economic Sectors. All the job vacancies given via the below link are for Experienced (professional/expert) and Freshers (Students or Unemployed with 10+2, Graduate/Post-Graduate or Diploma Educational Qualification) with High Monthly Salary and Facilities. Check out the Link.

Government and Private Full-Time and Part-Time Latest/Fresh/Current/Urgent/New Jobs and Vacancies in Jamaica in all Sectors for Experienced and Freshers in Hundreds of Sectors/Fields/Categories with Decent Monthly Salary.

Main Economic Sectors of Jamaica (in which the job seeker/candidate/applicant can get a job/vacancy) are given below:-

Tourism, bauxite/alumina, food processing, light manufactures, rum, cement, metal, paper, chemical products, telecommunications


More Government Jobs / Sarkari Naukri Free Job Alert Links:-

Best Latest Ikman Jobs in Sri Lanka 

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How to Become Government Teacher in India - Step by Step Procedure to Become Govt Teacher in India - Primary Teacher, TGT, PGT

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Government Driver Job 2021 

Latest Government Jobs in India in 5 Biggest Sectors

 If you're seeking job vacancies in India especially in government sectors (looking for government jobs) in the 5 biggest sectors (base of the Indian economy) then this article is going to help you a lot. 

The 5 Biggest Sectors of India:-

1. Agricultural Sector

2. Industry Sector

3. Services Sector

4. Food Processing

5. Manufacturing Sector

Links are given below (Sector vise). You can find a part-time or full-time government job vacancy of your choice out of thousands of latest/fresh/current/new/urgent jobs and vacancies in hundreds of job categories and posts of particular/special fields. The minimum educational/academic qualification for the job/vacancy is 10+2, Graduate/Post-Graduate or diploma holder for the specific job field's specialization with 10+2 or Graduate/Post-Graduate educational qualification.

The monthly Salary can vary between INR 20k to 150k.

Job Links:-

Latest Government Job Vacancies in the Agricultural Sector of India

Latest Government Job Vacancies in the Industry Sector of India

Latest Government Job Vacancies in the Services Sector of India

Latest Government Job Vacancies in the Food Processing of India

Latest Government Job Vacancies in the Manufacturing Sector of India


More Government Jobs / Sarkari Naukri Free Job Alert Links:-

Best Latest Ikman Jobs in Sri Lanka 

Latest Jobs in 47 Ministries of Central and State Government of India

Latest High Paying Jobs in Kuwait for Indians 

How to Become Government Teacher in India - Step by Step Procedure to Become Govt Teacher in India - Primary Teacher, TGT, PGT

Latest Government Jobs by Various Designations | Career in Government Sectors 

Sarkari Naukri 2021, Sarkari Naukri Blog, Free Sarkari Daily Job Alert

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12 वीं पास महिलाओं के लिए सरकारी नौकरी - Latest Government Jobs for 12th Pass (Intermediate) Women in India

Latest Government Job in All Cities of Punjab, India

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Latest Government Job Circular 2021 in Bangladesh 

Latest Government Jobs in Oil and Gas in India

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Free Job Alert of Public Sector Banks of India - Latest Government Bank Job in India

Govt Job in Uttarakhand - Government Jobs in the UK (Uttarakhand) India

Government Jobs / Vacancies in Australia 

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Latest Job Vacancy in United Nations (UN)

Click Here to find out Hundreds of Latest/Current/Fresh/Urgent/New Part-Time and Full-Time Job Vacancy in the United Nations (UN) Organization in multiple fields according to the candidates/applicants qualifications and specialties. The Jobs are for United States Residents as well as global applicants/candidates with working visas/permits.

Freshers can also apply according to the job vacancy's description/type as well as experienced candidates/applicants. 10+2, Graduate/Post-Graduate, Diploma Holder, and Professional/Experts all can apply for the Jobs/Vacancies. 

You can also visit United Nations (UN) Official Website for more information.

About United Nations (UN) Organization:-

The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental association expecting to keep up with global harmony and security, foster agreeable relations among countries, accomplish worldwide participation, and be a middle for fitting the activities of countries. It is the world's biggest and most recognizable worldwide association. The UN is a settled global area in New York City and has other primary workplaces in Geneva, Nairobi, Vienna, and The Hague.

The UN was set up later World War II determined to forestall future conflicts, succeeding the fairly ineffectual League of Nations. On 25 April 1945, 50 states met in San Francisco for a gathering and began drafting the UN Charter, which was embraced on 25 June 1945 and produced results on 24 October 1945, when the UN started tasks. Compliant with the Charter, the association's goals incorporate keeping up with worldwide harmony and security, ensuring common liberties, conveying compassionate guide, advancing economical turn of events, and maintaining global law. At its establishing, the UN had 51 part states; with the expansion of South Sudan in 2011, participation is currently 193, addressing practically the world's sovereign states in general.

The association's main goal to protect world harmony was confounded in its initial a very long time by the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union and their individual partners. Its missions have comprised essentially of unarmed military onlookers and delicately outfitted soldiers with principally observing, revealing, and certainty building jobs. UN participation developed altogether following far-reaching decolonization starting during the 1960s. From that point forward, 80 previous provinces have acquired freedom, including 11 trust regions that had been observed by the Trusteeship Council. By the 1970s, the UN's financial plan for monetary and social improvement programs far exceeded its spending on peacekeeping. Later the finish of the Cold War, the UN moved and extended its field activities, undertaking a wide assortment of complicated assignments.

The UN has six head organs: the General Assembly; the Security Council; the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC); the Trusteeship Council; the International Court of Justice; and the UN Secretariat. The UN System incorporates a huge number of particular offices, assets, and projects, for example, the World Bank Group, the World Health Organization, the World Food Program, UNESCO, and UNICEF. Also, non-legislative associations might be conceded consultative status with ECOSOC and different offices to partake in the UN's work.

The UN's boss managerial official is the Secretary-General, as of now Portuguese lawmaker and negotiator António Guterres, who started his initial long term on 1 January 2017 and was reappointed on 8 June 2021. The association is financed by evaluated and willful commitments from its part states.

The UN, its officials, and its offices enjoy won numerous Nobel Harmony Prizes, however different assessments of its viability have been blended. A few reporters trust the association to be a significant power for harmony and human turn of events, while others have called it inadequate, one-sided, or degenerate.


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