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List of Major Words Related to "Share Trading" with little Description

 Here's a list of major words related to share trading with a little description:

Basic Terminology

  • Share (Stock): A unit of ownership in a company. When you buy a share, you become a part-owner of the company.
  • Stock Market: A marketplace where shares of publicly traded companies are bought and sold.
  • Broker: A licensed professional who acts as an intermediary between buyers and sellers in the stock market.
  • Exchange: A physical or electronic marketplace where securities, commodities, derivatives, and other financial instruments are traded. Examples include the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE).
  • Order: An instruction to a broker to buy or sell a security at a specific price or within a specific price range.
  • Bid: The highest price a buyer is willing to pay for a share.
  • Ask: The lowest price a seller is willing to accept for a share.
  • Spread: The difference between the bid and ask price of a share.
  • Trade: The buying or selling of a share.

Buying and Selling

  • Buy Order: An instruction to a broker to purchase a share.
  • Sell Order: An instruction to a broker to sell a share.
  • Long Position: When an investor buys a share with the expectation that the price will go up.
  • Short Position: When an investor borrows a share and sells it with the expectation that the price will go down and they can buy it back later at a lower price to return to the lender. This is a risky strategy.
  • Margin: A loan from a broker that allows you to buy more shares than you have cash for. Margin trading can magnify both profits and losses.

Order Types

  • Market Order: An order to buy or sell a share at the best available price in the market.
  • Limit Order: An order to buy or sell a share at a specific price or better.
  • Stop Order: An order to buy or sell a share when the price reaches a specific stop price.

Investment Strategies

  • Bull Market: A market where share prices are generally rising.
  • Bear Market: A market where share prices are generally falling.
  • Dividend: A distribution of a portion of a company's profits to its shareholders.
  • Portfolio: A collection of investments held by an investor.
  • Diversification: The act of spreading your investments across different asset classes to reduce risk.


  • Technical Analysis: A method of analyzing share prices and trading volume to identify patterns and predict future price movements.
  • Fundamental Analysis: A method of analyzing a company's financial statements and other factors to assess its long-term investment potential.

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